Thursday, December 27, 2012

2013 Approaches

The Dashing Bachelor, my Christmas 2013 Mystery Quilt.
Yes, 2013 approaches. It's on the way and won't be stopped. Also, I need some new approaches to life, to work, to people for 2013, and I've been thinking about that subject a good deal.
I'm in Southern California right now, visiting my sister and brother-in-law for the Christmas and New Year's holidays. This trip, this break is giving me time to do some reading and thinking about how to approach 2013 with renewed vigor, purpose and gratitude. And, yes, even those of us who don't work outside the home need an occasional break!
There's been an on-going discussion on one of my quilt lists about choosing a word for 2013 -- a sort of guiding principle for the year. I like this idea. It's sort of like when we set goals for the year when I was working. As the year progresses those goals would inform how we spent time,  money and effort.
So my word for 2013 will be Mindfuless. What am I doing? How am I spending my time, money, talent and effort? Am I supporting my goals? Am I growing, or treading water, or sliding backwards?

A year is a precious resource, at my time of life more precious with the passing days. Will I use my year fruitfully? Stay tuned as I figure it out!